Anthony’s Italian Deli on Government

Even though it’s right there on Government Street with a nice little patio outside, once you step indoors you feel like you’re in a cozy little Lady and the Tramp hole-in-the-wall. Hard to explain, since the kitchen is open, and the dining area, though small, doesn’t seem overstuffed with tables. But comfort isn’t something you can always convey with words. Seeing helps, but believing relies on being there.

I got the muffaletto even though it was lasagna day because I was just in a muff mood, but it’s been awhile since I last visited, and I’d forgotten that I”m not really a fan of their house olive mix. It’s just a little too tart and sour for me, but a bit of plate surgery fixed that. and the meat, bread, and cheese balance was right there where it should be. I need to remember to go back for the lasagna and to try some other deli sandwiches and just to soak in the totally wonderful, totally old school vibe of Anthony’s.