I had heard really good things about the grilled cheese at The Rutledge, but as usual I was waylaid by the Reuben on offer. Can’t help it, I’m always looking, and this time, I found it.

So many times the sauerkraut will overpower every other flavor in the sandwich. Not this time. This kraut was smooth and warm and complimented the pastrami perfectly. Really high end bread as well, and who can complain about a side of Zapp’s? I will of course hurry back to check out the grilled cheese because White Star Market is almost a pop up for some ventures. Food courts by their very nature are either experimental or additional income sources. People open kiosks to test the ideas they might take to the greater commitment of a brick and mortar shop, so you can’t count on anyone staying put. If you are curious, run in and check it out or you might miss out entirely. As always I strolled over to Gov’t Taco for a Mexican coke while I was waiting with my pager/buzzer for my sandwich. Saw some really interesting mini-quiche in the display case that made me think seriously about a breakfast trip as well as the grilled cheese return visit.