The Rutledge in White Star Market on Government

Went back to The Rutledge in White Star to check out the grilled cheese that I’ve heard such good things about and immediately got sidetracked by The Parisian, a high end ham and cheese on a rustic baguette. A bit fancy for a ham and cheese, but also very real and very French. Going this way kind of reminded me of those times in my youth that I’d spring for a pack of Dunhill cigarettes over my go to Marlboro Reds. Bit fancy, yeah, but worth the difference in price. Now if you’re not into chewy bread you might want to pass on the Parisian. It will bite back when you go to chow down, but the richness of the sandwich overall is what makes the experience. Side of Zapp’s and a Mexican coke from Gov’t Taco don’t hurt either.

Went back again and finally sat down with the famous grilled cheese. Very good. The pistachio pesto was a brilliant idea, adding depth to the sandwich. Also walked away from my Mexican coke in favor of the Dr. Brown’s creme soda they carry at The Rutledge. Another good decision on my part. I’m on a roll, especially when I visit White Star. It finally hit me why I like it so much. It’s open and airy and there are so many choices and people looking for different experiences and all that reminds me of being at an airport where if you change your mind about anything and everything you could be in Paris before the day is done. I love being there on the cusp of possibility, knowing I could whip out the credit card and change flights in a heartbeat. White Star has a hint of that feeling. So many excellent options. Topnotch tacos and ramen and dumplings and all the high end sandwiches at The Rutledge. Invigorating. Intoxicating too if you want since there’s a bar right there in the food court as well. The Rutledge just started their dinner menu this week. Short ribs, crab gnocchi, and a pick three of five options charcuterie board. Definitely have to give that a shot soon.