Cheat to win

When I’m trying to lose a few pounds, or five, or fifteen–I like to plan when I’m going to fall of the wagon of healthy eating. We all know avoiding rice and sugar and bread and potatoes isn’t going to last forever, so I try to extend the number of good meals I eat in a row by planning on jumping off the wagon for something I love. That could be bread pudding, a huge bowl of pasta, or, in this instance, a pair of chili cheese dogs. The onions and the cheese aren’t all that bad, but processed meat, canned chili, and white bread hot dog buns are all bad actors. I did use Nathan’s Franks. So good. But I believe that if I plan a nice reward for chasing down a salad or two with dressing on the side, I’ll be less likely to fall for other traps. Cheers to chili cheese dogs!