Dish @White Star Market on Government

Most of the best plant based food I’ve had doesn’t attempt to mimic meat at all. This falafel wrap and red curry soup from Dish definitely fits that bill. Neither item was ever about meat, and the chef at Dish just executed. Trying to come up with meat substitutes has contributed to the overall wariness about meatless alternatives. Try to say tempeh with a smile on your face. Yeah, not going to happen. But when you aren’t trying to pass something off as just as good as meat, you allow your production to shine on it’s own. I’m not saying there aren’t any good plant-based meat replacements, but they do tend to be highly processed like Beyond Burger and Gimme Lean and Smart Dogs. If you need to go meatless for whatever reason, there’s plenty of options that never had meat in them to begin with. I like Dish a lot because they seem to recognize that they aren’t really in a competition with Burger King or McDonald’s. They just do what they do, and they do a fine job of it..