I normally don’t hit soft openings, but this is the third time for MJ’s, and it is quite charming. The place is as open and airy a space as you can make a non-patio with lots of nice wall art and plenty of green plants. The food is very nice as well.

Their were a couple of soft open issues. I had to ask what the soup choices were since I could see guests eating soup but none was listed on the soft open menu, but the staff seemed happy to be there and determined to do a good job. The roasted corn soup with homemade bread was very good, just a hint of the coconut milk that must have been used for a base, tahini thickened I’d imagine. And while the tall mug the soup was served in seems like it would be unwieldy, it really wasn’t, and near the end it was nice to be able to pick it up to finish off what remained of the soup. The veggie quiche was as light and airy as the room itself. You never know what you are going to get with a quiche, there’s such a range of possible density and intensity of flavors. This one fell on the light and pleasant end of the scale, and the sliced honeycrisp apples were a perfect compliment. I know MJ’s has bounced around a bit, but I suspect they will occupy this new space for quite a while to come.