Bayou Boyz/Uno Dos Tacos in Arlington Marketplace

You know how some folks just can’t pass up a yard sale? I’m that way with taco spots, even if they’re a split concept-shared kitchen-strip mall taco spot. I did a few tacos and they were quite nice. The chips and salsa were woefully generic though. Like plastic bag and gallon plastic jug generic.

I think I’ve got to go back at least one more time to try the smoke chile cumin wings from the Bayou Boys side of the store. And I did like the tacos enough to want to try a quesadilla. The meats and sauces were well seasoned. Scared of the salsa, but maybe the guac and pico would be okay. The true find here was the decor. A lot of interesting wall art and near dream catchers.

And here’s an old piece of mine that fits the day’s yard sale theme.

Collegetown Summer
Tie-dyed yard sales
Worn paperback libraries
An entire thrift store’s worth
of mismatched plates and cutlery.
And here and there only debris
left over from the glory days—
header and footer of a sleigh bed,
pieces of cum stained couch,
kitten riddled blinds, I remember
a pair of size four hiking boots
left to dry on top the water heater
forgotten in the scramble to live again
somewhere new, somewhere different.
She also left a Chinese lantern, the kind
that covers a naked bulb above a waterbed–
abandoned witness to love and trying to love.

And yes, there are tongue pulled U-hauls
sweating in the shade of mimosas and crepe myrtles
Coughing up beds and clothes and desktops like hair balls.
Everyone must live the dream, everyone must be broken,
everyone must move on. Somewhere new.
Somewhere different.