Breakfast Ramen

I find breakfast to be a good way to incorporate leftovers into the meal plan, and nothing is easier than instant ramen. Today it was leftover roast duck and pork ribs. I pulled the duck and rib meat and tossed them in a pot with 2 cups of beef broth and brought it to a boil. You can use plain water and rely on the extract in the packaged ramen, but why bypass a chance to add flavor and intensity? And that is the beauty of ramen, you can just add the meats and follow the instructions on the packet, or you can continue to upgrade as you go.  Since it is breakfast, I like to add some eggs, scrambled and rolled tamogoyaki style, basically an omelet, just folding it over and over in the pan. I’m also big on adding seaweed snacks, roasted nori, that is so much easier to keep around than the big flat packs of nori.

Every now and then I will juice it up with a little extra sesame oil or wasabi, and I always finish with green onions. Makes for a very hearty breakfast when you have a little time to put into it, and it is especially rewarding when it is cold outside.