Chow Yum Phat in White Star Market on Government

So I’m leading with this napkin holder instead of the absolutely gorgeous food I had for lunch because branding is important too, especially in a food court where your competition is literally right next to you. Of course branding means nothing if you can’t back it up with goods and services, but it does help in the overall experience and that is why customers return. Every little thing is important. Even the napkin holders. Oh and this, this is a statement.

Now a homemade condiment is a nice touch, but the presentation and the attitude behind that presentation lifts it to the next level. Chow Yum Phat has some sharp workers putting out a very high quality product and every bit of the layout of their White Star kiosk, from their uniforms to their condiments is top notch. I do wish they would add a hot green tea to the menu, or even an iced import, but it is White Star and you can stroll over to Gov’t Taco and buy yourself a Mexican coke to go with your ramen and dumplings.

Not going to waste a lot of time talking about the food. Only so many ways you can say delicious, great, good, yum yum yummy. Beware the dumplings if you are averse to jalapenos because they are in the beef not just a garni. And I love every element of the ramen, the broth, the noodles, the beef, the mushrooms, the soft-boiled egg, the kimchi and the slivered scallions are all the bomb but this is a place you really need to try for yourself.