Christina’s on St. Charles

Sometimes we need fancy. And sometimes we need familiar. Christina’s calls their fare homestyle cooking; you might call it plain, or classic, or old school–I prefer straightforward. What would you like today? I’d like unsweet tea, the hamburger steak with rice and gravy and buttered corn. Bam. Here you go.

I’d like three eggs sunny up, bacon, grits, a biscuit and a side of white gravy.

More coffee? Yes, please.

Now I’m not saying that Christina’s doesn’t offer anything rare and exotic. Just look at this.

This is a photo of the rare and elusive smoked sausage poboy, very hard to find anywhere else in Baton Rouge (even though everyone does red beans and has sausage in the cooler) dressed with grilled onions and peppers. I’ve yet to try the meatball poboy, or the roast beef poboy, or the fried chicken lunch special, or the chicken fried steak for breakfast, but I’m pretty confident that one day I’ll say about each of those dishes Yeah, I had that at Christina’s. Good place. You should check it out.