First Wednesday @ Baton Rouge Gallery

Free food, wine, and beer. Sculpture, wall art, multi-media. Live music. Located in the middle of historic City Park, surrounded by live oaks, nine holes, tennis courts, a croquet lawn. What’s not to like? Baton Rouge Gallery hosts an opening on the first Wednesday of every month featuring work by four new artists. The public is invited, and they come in good numbers to enjoy the feast put together by the staff and a few very talented volunteers. There are plenty of vegan and gluten free options to snack on while you wander the gallery to look, listen, and learn. To socialize or not. To see and be seen. So yes, there’s always a bit of posturing going on–but–free food and drinks. And art. And there’s always a good musical duo or trio or sometimes a larger group like the Florida Street Blowhards. Starts at six, but you’ll want to tag the event on Facebook because on occasion the weather causes it to be postponed. Well worth your time to attend.