Free Range Heirloom Air Chilled Chicken from WF

$3.99 lb

I’ve been looking at these chickens at Whole Foods for a while now and finally broke down and bought one to take to the house and roast. It was good. Tasted like froglegs. Ha. Kidding. It was a good bird, not necessarily worth the extra cash unless the buzz words get you all hot and bothered, but I was curious to see how much different it would be from the normal factory bred antibiotic infused chickens we’re used to. Mainly curious to see what birds were like when polio was still rampant, because if this bird was all that was advertised, that’s what we’d be talking about, a Great Depression bird grown out in the yard. No way to know if this chicken really had anything in common with its historical counterparts. It came out good though. I stuffed the cavity with lemon and onion and fresh basil and rosemary and green onion then doused the outside with lemon juice and Lea & Perrins and olive oil before dusting it with garlic salt and garlic powder, onion powder, Zatarain’s and black pepper and popped it in the oven at 400 for 45 minutes since it was only a 3 lb bird.

Like I said, it came out good, but I don’t think I’ll be buying another one. Nothing really discernibly better despite all the super nice labeling. A chicken by any other name. Now I’ve got to chase down some frog legs somewhere. I think they have them on the buffet at Nagoya on Sherwood Forest. Have to check it out.