Leftover Spaghetti Foldovers

These remind me both of my childhood and also of grad school when I would power prep at the end of the semester for a long weekend of knocking out multiple term papers. I would bake off a dozen chicken thighs and hard boil a dozen eggs and cook off a pound of spaghetti and sauce it on a Thursday night before throwing everything in the fridge and running off to play at The Bayou or The Chimes or Chelsea’s or sometimes all three. I’d sleep it off Friday and then get up around noon and stand in front of the fridge and chow down without even bothering to plate anything before I got down and dirty with the writing. Sometimes it would take five or more drafts just to get that first paragraph set up good enough to roll the whole essay off of. I didn’t quit smoking until after I got my degree, so I usually blew through a carton of Marlboro Reds as well. I know everyone has their own style and strategy for getting things done, and I never procrastinated, but I did spend a good bit of time getting set up for a writing marathon. I still enjoy cold spaghetti, and hard boiled eggs, and cold baked chicken thighs. But I do generally take the time to at least put them on a paper plate and close the door of the fridge. Maturity is a very hard thing to escape.