Mas Tapas @Solera

Got together with an old friend of mine recently and since she hadn’t yet tried Solera, that’s where we ended up. When I slid into the bar next to her, she was already working on a dirty Tito’s martini. I ordered up the red sangria and we looked over the most recent tapas menu. I told her how I liked to just order up one dish at a time until I got full and she was good with that so we started with the calamari. She liked the place a lot and it’s always fun to turn someone on to a new place that you are fired up about. The beauty of Solera is they are constantly updating the menu with new small plates that are perfect for sharing, in fact, while it’s also fun to go it alone, you can make much more progress exploring the menu when you’re with friends. We talked politics and relationships and the worlds we wished we lived in as well as wishing we could do the south of Spain and that tapas and sangria and siestas and beaches and worked our way through some unreal wild mushroom and duck confit croquettes before finishing up with some sautéed local mushrooms. Really nice night and she hasn’t been to Soji either so we roughed out some plans for that visit too before calling it a night. Always a good time to be had at Solera.