Our Mom’s on W. Lee Dr

This place is almost not there on the exterior, folded away in a strip mall, so maybe that’s why they are so down home and wood heavy inside, to re-establish their character once you get in the door. They do a real good job with the food too. The menu is really sandwich heavy, with about a dozen different burger treatments, but I was in a roast beef kind of mood and went with it. Very happy I did so. Tried to wrangle the waitress into upgrading to fried mushrooms for a side, but had to settle for mac&cheese. Not a bad outcome. The roast beef was the chunk debris style rather than sliced, grilled, then gravy smothered. Good stuff. And the macaroni was in a soupy cheese and garlic sauce that was so much better and smoother than a lot of over baked specimens you run into. Gives me confidence to go back and try to pick a burger next time.