Phil Brady’s on Government

So sometimes you just have to hit a bar for lunch, even if you don’t plan on drinking. The darkness, the decent music, the vibe and accouterments are occasionally just necessary. Phil Brady’s is the best blues dive in town, arguably the only blues dive in town. If you’re into blues or swing or boogie woogie, you’ve been to Phil Brady’s. I stopped by today for the burger, extra onions and it hit the spot. Comes with a salad and side so I got potato salad and fries. Kind of redundant, I know, but I was really just wanting the burger in the right atmosphere. It was pretty outside so the barkeep opened the doors to get a fresh breeze going.

Yes, that is a cookie on top of the burger.

They run a daily special and a dollar burger night. I fried pork chops are Friday, and it is definitely worth going by and grabbing a Bud or a High Life and checking it out because sometimes you’ve got to shy away from all the over-marketed eat and drink shops and just go old school in a dark bar that knows exactly the right tunes to play whatever time of day it is. Here’s a look at the menu.