Quick and Easy: Grilled Haloumi and Artichokes

We all like to fire up the grill in the summer to keep the heat outside on the porch or out in the backyard. This one takes very little time to prep and execute. The haloumi cheese can go straight on the grill as is. I put the quartered artichoke hearts in a foil packet with some butter, Tony’s and black pepper and let them roll on the grill with the haloumi until right at the end when I unpackaged them and dumped them on the grill for a bit of a flare up and char before pulling everything off. This is also the time of year for garden cucumbers and creole tomatoes and onions. I tossed it all with some Hanley’s Sensation dressing and tossed in a few capers for an extra bite. You can season it too, but I didn’t this time, just let the Hanley’s take it where it needed to be. Obviously very scalable if you want to entertain. A nice baguette and a sorbet or sherbert would round out the dinner.