Rock n Roll Sushi on Perkins

Well my first and only trip to the Rock n Roll Sushi franchise on Perkins wasn’t all bad. The crispy cream cheese wontons were tasty, as was the Headbanger sauce that came with them. And the two standard rolls that made up the remainder of the fifteen buck lunch special were a bit better than I could have bought at the Bet-R. And the corporate music video channel streaming on the flat screen in the dining room featured some really good tunes. Too bad they didn’t at least spring for a soundbar and a woofer to up the sound quality. It’s always frightening to enter a restaurant with sushi in the name and not see an actual sushi bar inside. No display case with fresh product. No one in uniform with a fugubiki blade in hand. The only one I have ever visited without a sushi bar that was outstanding was the original Waka House out on Sherwood Forest. That store has the best bento lunch I’ve found so far. I am dismayed that most of the new sushi bars in town have abandoned the bento box notion in favor of a lunch special consisting of a choice of soup/salad/app and either two standard rolls or one premium roll. Not nearly as much fun as true bento. And–the server brought me my bill before I was halfway through with lunch saying no hurry, whenever you’re ready. I hope the real artists who licensed their likenesses for corporate use are making a few bucks off the place.