Tamales @Doe’s Eat Place on Government

In my ongoing investigation of Mississippi tamales, I went to Doe’s, and, although they were better than Fat Mama’s Tamales in Natchez, it wasn’t by much, and neither came close to a Mexican tamale. I know Doe’s throws down good food, so my only explanation for the continued existence of Mississippi tamales is that people grew up with them and they have some deeper significance to the people who love them than real tamales do. Maybe they are like that green bean casserole that only occurs at Thanksgiving. You know the one, canned green beans and canned fried onions combined with a can of Campbell’s cream of mushroom. Not really great food, but comfort food spiced with many memories. If I was just in it for the tamales, I would probably go back to Tio Javi’s on Constitution, since Muffaletto’s is no longer an option. And I think the French striped paper napkins at Doe’s are cool. Definitely a steak or chicken fried steak at Doe’s when I go back.